I whisper through my fingers and through my camera lens, of life, joy, beauty and family.
I always listen to the whispers...they will tell the truth, if you simply listen.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Little Horseplay..the Best Way to Enjoy a Summer Day

Life gets busy... funny to say that, actually.  After all, time doesn't change.  A minute is a minute.  But, somehow these never changing minutes get away from me.  In a sentence, I drove 1,800 miles to the north country of Minnesota, flew back 1,800 miles to Phoenix to visit my grand-baby, my kids and my Buddy, attended my 35th high school class reunion, attended a funeral, flew approximately 7,000 miles to Scotland and back.  Whew! And it's only June 30th.  

Camdyn at Pelatas Betty's 

Anne, Patti, Me and Michele
35th Class Reunion


This brings me to the present moment.  

A calm morning, promising to be warm and muggy, with a chance for storms tonight.  
I've been digging around to find a nicer summer place for Buddy.
It won't happen this summer, but perhaps for next summer.  
There are a couple options for me at the moment, but neither is confirmed positively.

I just feel so bad for Buddy in the brutal heat in Phoenix this summer.  The past few days have been 113 degrees and getting a tad more humid, I've heard.  My trainer, says the temps in the barn have been in the 130 degree range and she's moved the horses out into the horse motel for now.. which is basically covered parking for horses.

I ordered this new fly mask for Buddy.. I like that I can see his eyes through this one.  
He could see out of the other one too, but I couldn't see his his eyes. 

I miss my riding lessons with Buddy and I hope he is doing well with his training during the summer.  My trainer has been working on getting him to be softer and more responsive with less input.  
My training over the summer is reading a lot of books on horses.  Books on their physical conformation, their mindset, their intuitive abilities, fitness for me when I get back and the most promising-- 
 I am getting the opportunity to 
hang out at one of the boarding prospects for Buddy's new home next summer and commune with their horses and groom them with brushing and whatever else needs to be done.

Keeping busy is key to managing my longing for my family.
Until next time....

I huge thank you to everyone who
pays Buddy a visit 
gives carrots for his treats!!
I really appreciate this 
more than you know!!

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