I whisper through my fingers and through my camera lens, of life, joy, beauty and family.
I always listen to the whispers...they will tell the truth, if you simply listen.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Home Again, Home Again.....

Jiggety Jig... 

 Where did the summer go? 
We had an odd sort of a summer up here in the beautiful north woods
of Minnesota.  

We arrived to witness the blossoming of 

A family of Canadian Geese go from goslings to full grown-ready-to-fly


A loon family raising their family of chicks and lose two of them to a mother eagle.

We traveled to Scotland in June.
Oh, such a splendid trip to Bonnie Scotland.

 It was a hot, dry summer by northern Minnesota standards.
Still lovely when one considers the alternative 
the hot dry deserts of Arizona.

I grew beautiful sunflowers and oodles of heirloom tomatoes.
A funny Asian bean about a foot long 
and three cherries!

The birds or bears ate my beautiful blueberries.
And my raspberry bushes never produced a single berry.

We never fished.

We tell people, when they ask: 

how can you live on a lake and not fish? 

we simply love the view.

And I love my log cabin.

The winds are changing, fall is around the bend 
it's time to head back to where my other 
loves are.

I suspect many changes will be hidden 
in the winds
over the next nine months.

photo sparkles

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quirky, but I Love Flash Mobs

I don't know why, but I Love Flash Mobs I got this one in an email from Hubby and SMIL.  
Cool stuff! 
I'm so excited!! 
I am playing in a chamber group of cellists through Scottsdale Community College! 
 My cello teacher hooked me up and we're going to perform this piece for our concert.
  Portland Cello Project:Denmark

The Portland Cello Project - Denmark (Live on KEXP)