I whisper through my fingers and through my camera lens, of life, joy, beauty and family.
I always listen to the whispers...they will tell the truth, if you simply listen.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Moving Day!

I'm pretty psyched today.   
Buddy is moving to his new stable!  
My youngest and I are flying to the desert to help get Buddy moved.  
Every horse should have proper care.  I won't go into details of his current stable, but it is missing the mark.  
By a long shot.  
My new stable owner says he will have a clean bed and dinner 
waiting for him when he gets there tonight. 
I'll post again after his move and let you know how it went..
with pictures too.
Here are a couple shots of his new place.
 Here's his new home!!  He has indoor and outdoor digs. Love it!


 He's heading to greener pastures today....
Thanks to my sister for her input on Buddy's stable...

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome! It means a great deal that you trusted my judgement on Buddy's new digs! I'm very happy for Buddy and for you that you've found Serenity Stables...it will be very good for both of you.
