"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun."
❦Pablo Picasso

My attempt at digital art-my drawing of a yellow tomato.
Angelic little butterfly, working so hard.
Summer ends with the prolific blooming of goldenrod~solidago. Goldenrod is often falsely accused of causing hayfever, but the true culprit of the seasonal sneezing is Ragweed, a similar wild plant.
Who could frown at these pretty little Black-eyed Susans? Rudbeckia hirta.
little butterflies
Sweet little fellow on yarn of yellow.
I think it would be a nice time now, for a cup of tea.
Camomile Tea for me.
To sit and
how quickly summer has come and gone.
As the author of The Happiness Project says:
The days are long, but the years are short.
The days are long, but the years are short.
Gretchen Rubin.
How true that is.
The leaves have begun to change and the nights are cool.
But the waning summer days are
sunny yellow.
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