I am the proud owner of an American Paint Horse!
I bought my "Buddy" on Friday the 13th.
I still can't believe I bought a horse--I never thought I'd be a horse owner.
I never thought I'd ride horses again, before beginning lessons
This is Buddy with his previous owner doing his jumping. He didn't like to jump
higher that two feet and the young owner was looking for
a horse more likely to jump higher for
her competitions.
My instructor thinks I'll be jumping with Buddy one day.
I don't know about that,
but I guess anything is possible.
I'm currently working on ground work
which is a form of
This is the area I want to work in for now, because it will teach
me how a horse moves and how to communicate with him with
minimal movement.
Friday the 13th with my new Buddy.
Big Golden Brown Eyes
Poor boy needs a fly mask--I've ordered one for him, but sure hope it gets here soon.
I visited him today and his right eye was tearing a lot from the flies.
This is Buddy the day I met him and rode him the first time.
He was pretty excited to go in the
turnout and see his pal Sparkles.
I think he's a bit under weight and my aim is to plump him up by next fall.
Oh, and to grow his mane out. It's like a crew cut and I want it long and flowing.
He is such a sweet horse.
I was trotting with him at my last lesson and occasionally I would lose my balance and he would go to a walk
until I got myself back in balance.
I brought him an apple today and he loved every morsel of it.
Here's Buddy in his stall..just peeking out the door.
I am anxiously awaiting my order for my saddle,
bridle, harness, lead and of course some horsey treats.