I whisper through my fingers and through my camera lens, of life, joy, beauty and family.
I always listen to the whispers...they will tell the truth, if you simply listen.
I always listen to the whispers...they will tell the truth, if you simply listen.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year!!
Welcome new readers and old!
I'm happy you stopped by.
There are so many hundreds of thousands of blogs
out there
the fact that you stopped here,
means an
awful lot to me.
This year
will be prove to be
amazing in so many ways.
I can just feel it.
I believe we will see things we've never seen before,
do things we never dreamed of doing
be ever so surprised
at the conclusion
“May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.” - Joey Adams
Peace and Love to All
Friday, December 23, 2011
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale
Oh, the magic of Santa Claus and the North Pole... in the eyes of a three year old.
We, Darling Granddaughter, Oldest Son and Dear Daughter-in-law, Dear Daughter-in-law's Family and Hubby and I
went to the North Pole.
We rode on an old train that was built in 1923.
No, it wasn't this train.
But, it was this train--below.

Dear Daugher-in-law, Darling Granddaughter and Oldest Son
Wooden Soldier stood guard near the entrance.
Mr. Conductor took our tickets.
After traveling through time, indulging in a Snickerdoodle and sipping hot cocoa
we arrived at the North Pole.
I do believe the beautiful and quite raucous
singing of
Christmas Carols
led Santa to our train car.
The Jolly Man had a beautiful Golden Bell for each Youngster...
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Pink Christmas Tree and Holiday Village

Victorian Village
I have a collection of Christmas Villages and so I look forward to setting up my little winter scene.
I love life in miniature. Don't you?
I'll have more to post tomorrow--we are going for a ride
on the
Polar Express!
Have a lovely day.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Christmas Elves and Nutcracker Suite
Lucinda, the Christmas Elf has been watching over Mi Casa.
She is getting a bit frantic over the fact that I haven't
done any Holiday Baking, yet.
I've reminded her
that I have, for the past week,
been hobbling around with a still injured heel.
Waiting for
The Dishwasher to be installed.
Wrapping specially chosen gifts
for loved ones
taking a cello lesson.
I'm afraid she just may
decide to do the baking herself.
I noticed earlier, The little Deutsch dancers were
doing a polka
the woodcutters cut wood.
Hehe, that reminds me of the tongue twister:
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Meanwhile, winter has come to Arizona.
The higher elevations were covered in a
blanket of snow.
We, in the lower desert
enjoyed lots of rain
and the rare chance to see the snow-covered
mountains without any
interference from the schmutzy air, we typically have.
I'm afraid my puppies did not like the deep puddles
they had to wade through to do their.. ahem.. biz.
Miss Ivy in the rain.
The Puddles
Miss Madeline
My agenda from here on out
is to
get organized for the coming
days of
birthdays and
and a trip.
More on that later...
Auf Weidersehn
Sunday, December 11, 2011
"It came upon a midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth,
to touch their harps of gold:
'Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
From heavens all gracious King!'
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing."
~written by Edmund Hamilton Sears in 1849
Do you hear them singing?
I think I do... their voices are
clear and ringing in
the cold winter night's air.
Did you know nearly every full moon brings
crystal clear skies and
crisp, cold air?
I don't know if it's a scientific fact or not,
but merely an observation
by one who is
quite adversely affected
lunar nights.
I don't exactly go outside and howl,
I am afraid I lie awake
half the night
as the brilliantly lit
illuminates the night.
We are in for some
welcome weather
over the next couple days.
Abundant rain in the desert
oodles of snow
in the mountains.
I'll try to capture some
to share.
Until next time....
P.S. Today would have been my grandma's
108th birthday...
Monday, December 5, 2011
It's Beginning to Look A Little Like.....
We even had cold enough temperatures
for snow flurries...if
there was enough moisture in the
Alas, it is a dry cold.
Darling Granddaughter decided the other night,
that candy canes ought not
to be
hung on the Little Christmas Tree.
She took each Peppermint Candy
and held them all in a bouquet in
Almost Three Year Old Hand.
'Twas adorable.
The Little Tree,
now right side up and sparkling with the playful ornaments from My Kids'
childhood collections.
Father Christmas, Pere Noel, Baba Chaghaloo, Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, Weihnactsmann,
Babbo Natale, Santa Claus
Babbo Natale, Santa Claus
Santa is a bit like a sorcerer, don't you think?
I mean, he would have to be
of some magical essence
order to
shower the children of the world
toys of their wishes~all in one enchanted night.
But, I do have a question....
How is it, that with "the list"--you know the one--
Little Johnny Next Door, who was rather naughty
this year, received the new bike he wanted
Little Katie, who was rather sweet this year, didn't receive
she asked for,
but found a box of marbles instead?
'tis somewhat like
big banks...
Just something to ponder.....
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I believe in Peace and Joy.
Today is December 1st.
I know I'm
struggling with the issues at hand and they
consist of the world, seemingly at the brink of something
on a more personal level
I am injured from
running yesterday morning
can't do much walking.
I want to put my all
making the spirit of this Christmas
envelope each and every one of
My Special People.
Hubby strung up the Christmas lights and I am limping back and forth with the
ornaments and decorations
for the currently unadorned tree, to make it all sparkly and festive.
I've been planning the menu for the Christmas Eve dinner.
I plan to bake some special confections to delight the taste buds and if my injury allows,
I hope to
I hope to
make some lefsa this year.
If I can't do it,
I must place an order for this Norwegian treat, soon.
Haha...I made a big face-blushing, mistake. I put the little Christmas tree together---upside down. This little tree has been with us for quite some time and the layers of branches are numbered
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Well, 1. belongs at the top, but I put it at the bottom...and you can imagine how it looks, now.
This makes me wish I had trudged out into the deep snow (if only we had snow--just once) to bring home a real Charlie Brown type tree, rather than the fake, always perfect (if put together properly) holiday tree.
Hubby is fixing it for me.
On a brighter note, we are getting clouds!
Lots of clouds and rain drops.
We could even have freezing temps by the weekend.
It's probably as close to a real winter,
we'll ever get.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
A Holiday Mission
I'm feeling a bit nostalgic these days.
This time of year tends to bring a longing for the idyllic Norman Rockwell feeling.
The Currier & Ives picture-perfect scenery.
Who are Norman Rockwell and Currier & Ives, you ask?
I suppose they could be branded as propaganda for living a life of bliss and utter idealism.
Imagine, if you will, the family- mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, a passel of kids and perhaps the jovial uncle- all spiffed up in holiday attire, laughing and singing carols, while gathered around the dazzling Christmas tree, which is nearly lost in the abundance of neatly wrapped presents piled beneath it. A peek outside, you might see snow sprinkled on the moon lit snow, like powdered sugar on grandma's homemade Aebelskivers.
Of course, I haven't experienced a holiday quite like this in
and try as I might,
even when I lived in the snow covered mid-west,
I couldn't replicate this lovely scene.
Not quite.
As a child, My Mom would work hard to create a beautiful Christmas scene, complete with
the sweet aromas of sugar cookies and homemade lefsa
(I won't mention the nose-crinkling odor of lutefisk)
we kids would go to bed with visions of sugarplums, definitely doing a jig in our heads.
And, I'm quite certain we heard sleigh bells up on the roof top-- at least twice.
and try as I might,
even when I lived in the snow covered mid-west,
I couldn't replicate this lovely scene.
Not quite.
As a child, My Mom would work hard to create a beautiful Christmas scene, complete with
the sweet aromas of sugar cookies and homemade lefsa
(I won't mention the nose-crinkling odor of lutefisk)
we kids would go to bed with visions of sugarplums, definitely doing a jig in our heads.
You see, I live in the desert now and
'tis challenging to feel
Bing Crosby's, I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas,
Baby It's Cold Outside
(one of my personal favs),
because in the desert,
it is neither white nor cold outside.
'tis challenging to feel
Bing Crosby's, I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas,
Baby It's Cold Outside
(one of my personal favs),
because in the desert,
it is neither white nor cold outside.
I will make it my holiday mission,
year, to
go out and
recapture that
warm feeling of
f a m i l y and joy and
hope in all things, good.
B e c a u s e, to be t r u t h f u l,
We all need a bit of comfort and
We all need a bit of comfort and
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Oak Hill Cemetery
"There'll be two dates on your tombstone. And all your friends will
read 'em.
But all that's gonna matter
is that
dash between 'em."

I'm a bit late in the posting of my visit to the cemetery near our house in Minnesota.
Youngest son and Hubby accompanied me on my adventure to Oak Hill Cemetery.
I have a confession.
I love visiting cemeteries.
I don't know if you have ever had that feeling?
I'm intrigued with the stories. While they aren't exactly etched into the gravestones, they leave a smidgeon of information for the visitor to create their own hypothesis.
Youngest son and Hubby accompanied me on my adventure to Oak Hill Cemetery.
I have a confession.
I love visiting cemeteries.
I don't know if you have ever had that feeling?
I'm intrigued with the stories. While they aren't exactly etched into the gravestones, they leave a smidgeon of information for the visitor to create their own hypothesis.
It was a fair hike into the forest, before we came to the tiny, old graveyard.
Lovely fall day, it was!
A very old head stone. I can't quite recall, but I think it dated back to the 1800s.
Simply says
At Rest
I am sure I was being watched.
I felt a cold breath on my neck and I quickly turned around.
Nothing. My imagination.
I felt a cold breath on my neck and I quickly turned around.
Nothing. My imagination.
The date on this headstone
find dates
to be
very interesting.
Don't you?
For instance, did you know,
was the very year
the world's
created the
Federal Reserve?
Just a handful of old men..err..rich old men
created this
private bank.
But, that's
Carrie Krantz
Born 1885
Died 1909
Only twenty-four years old.
What story would you contrive?
What's that?
I am sure I felt something....
Up there?
go home.
Youngest son and Hubby
went on ahead
while I snapped photos
and untangled
from the
long boney fingers
reaching up
the tall grasses.
But, before I go...
W h a t i s y o u r d a s h?
Are the
few residents
at this
lonely old cemetery
Are their stories ever told?
at the sites
to be found.
Where are their families?
“In the space between yes and no, there's a lifetime. It's the
difference between the path you walk and the one you leave behind; it's
the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; its
the legroom for the lies you'll tell yourself in the future.”~Jodi Picoult A Change of Heart
September 11, 1913
Ifind dates
to be
very interesting.
Don't you?
For instance, did you know,
was the very year
the world's
created the
Federal Reserve?
Just a handful of old men..err..rich old men
created this
private bank.
But, that's
Carrie Krantz
Born 1885
Died 1909
Only twenty-four years old.
What story would you contrive?
What's that?
I am sure I felt something....
Up there?
go home.
Youngest son and Hubby
went on ahead
while I snapped photos
and untangled
from the
long boney fingers
reaching up
the tall grasses.
But, before I go...
W h a t i s y o u r d a s h?
Are the
few residents
at this
lonely old cemetery
Are their stories ever told?
at the sites
to be found.
Where are their families?
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